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AI shaping the future of ERP Software

Artificial intelligence is making furious waves in the software market despite the relative infancy. In the year 2020, Gartner predicted that almost every new array of software in the market would leverage AI technology in some shape or fashion. 

Further, by the year 2021, 80% of all transforming technologies will depend on AI to accomplish their infrastructure. It is a specific relevant case study, proving to be a raising ground for the ERP implementation of such future progressive technologies. Recent progression in machine learning and artificial intelligence has shown endless potential for ERP traders but has also come with a lot of unreliability.

How AI would appear in a new ERP system:

To understand artificial intelligence in a new ERP context. Let’s think about it in respect of its practical applications, things like natural language processing and like machine learning. Because AI machine learning is not anything, it includes all the processes and parts grind away behind the scenes to make something complete, rather than the theoretical or physical externalisation of that whole.

Undoubtedly, top AI companies like Oracle NetSuite are best at their performance because they count on artificial intelligence and ERP cloud computing. Therefore, the ERP system is for recognising the patterns and automatic routine tasks. And it can be expected to be done with a blink of an eye, providing your businesses with an extraordinary level of functionality, efficiency, and insight into their data. The company determines how artificial intelligence can promote an ERP by possessing a complete picture of the customer’s operational business information. Better AI can unlock the hidden capability of the information and help the companies manage their business efficiently.

Merits of using AI-based ERP:

  • It provides deeper insights into your data
  • With artificial intelligence, SMBs can find insightful inferences about certain business operations that would be barely-viewed to the human eye.
  • It helps the business operations to make optimal decisions
  • It ensures automatic routine process
  • It is an advanced form that offers efficiency optimisation by not stressing up the human brain power and helps to focus on the high-level strategy and tasks that no machine can accurately handle.
  • It helps to improve the user’s experience through interactions.

Requirements of ERP software:

Centralised ERP modules: These centralised modules permit users to run group tasks without switching the screens or applications. All needed information for performing a specific operation is covered in the same part of the system.
  • Centralised database:

ERP systems are dependable on a centralised database from which all the applications receive information. It offers all users an exact source of truth, assuring that all departments and team works operate with the same information set.

  • ERP system integration:

ERP systems are fully unified and should consistently operate together. It means users should have the merit to go from one section of the system to another without entirely feeling lost or feel like it is a different application. Straightforwardly, it also means that The application should freely allow the users to transmit information with one other in real-time.

Pretty and post covid condition affects of ERP software: 

The covid-19 pandemic condition has wholly altered the business world, and the business pattern has lost its stabilisation. It has affected both ordinary lives in general and professional life. And to fit in the new everyday business world finds it quite challenging to identify and learn the recent change is not a simple task.

Organisations have opted to remote working patterns, and this sudden change counts as a fantastic deal in business operations. Because it helps the organisations take this as a challenge and adapt ERP software and be innovative using artificial intelligence in the business process would be an excellent achievement for them. Following are some detailly discussed patterns that how ERP software helps amidst the covid-19 situation.

  • Pre-planning:

Through ERP, enterprise resource planning helps businesses to think in advance and pre-plan for future consequences. It accelerates a quick and easy decision-making process and makes a way to convert future difficulties into opportunities. By installing the NetSuite, software analytics tool in businesses can help to predict the upcoming scenarios and encourage you to plan better and to make a sustainable revenue

  • Balanced cash flow:

With ERP software, organisations can maintain a balanced cash flow. Like in the eCommerce business, they may have elevated their income in specific product categories during this covid-19 condition, like the example, sanitisers, masks, etc. As a result, eCommerce business can gain optimal benefits with ERP eCommerce capabilities because they help in balancing the cash flow over the following few months

  • Keenly focused on customer’s retention:

 With NetSuite, artificial intelligence technology running the organisation and its functions are made more accessible, efficient, effective, and safe because it offers universal accessibility and the highest data security by coordinating the various activities into a single spot and with the centralised process. With AI, one can successfully run business operations with outstanding capabilities.

  • Easily flexible to work from anywhere:

As the spread of covid-19 is vigorous, there is a pressure situation at the workforces to stay at home and adopt remotely working patterns. Companies having a cloud ERP solution can maintain their employees working remotely. But the companies who are unfamiliar with cloud ERP solutions must opt for a transition to cloud solutions. NetSuite software works on the cloud with the integration and highest data security. It also serves the demand for universal ERP data access, thus offering an effective operational environment for business purposes.

  • Recording and tracking of issues and services:

With the best ERP software, you can expect exceptional functionalities to keep up and track the services and activities happening in the organisation. It helps in recording the issues and assures sufficient and practical support, expanded to tackle the upcoming issues

  • Effective maintenance of marketing strategies:

Organisations can lodge on the mainstream with automatic marketing features offered by the NetSuite ERP providers. The organisations can operate their automated marketing campaigns to various channels with constancy in marketing more effectively.

  • Reconfigure your organisation:

A strong Artificial Intelligence is a reflection of how you are managing your business. NetSuite helps you in reconfiguring your business with the unusual circumstances caused by the covid-19 pandemic. It assists in the orderly assembling of resources and cross channels centred across various geographics. With the help of NetSuite software, the business process can be appropriately optimised even if the operations are distributed or concentrated across geographies.


The current situation of pandemic holds many opportunities for the businesses to grow and accomplish. To apply these opportunities, several organisations are assisting in grabbing the immense benefits of ERP. The company can be operated effortlessly with the help of ERP software. It can realign the decentralised function in a centralised plan of action because it can seize the opportunities that may arise in the post-pandemic economy. 

So, therefore, it is essential to keep ERP software upgraded to boost up the results. It assures the highest business performance and enhances process efficiency. By its outstanding features, businesses would be able to attain maximum benefits.