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In recent years technology has advanced to an extra level. Since it improved mobile app development, mobile marketing, mobile app marketing, etc. they are not a new term for the people out there.

Mobile app marketers focus on smartphone users to make them aware of the app through personalized notifications or advertisements at regular intervals.

The below content will lead you to the different aspects of mobile app marketing and helps you to find a step-by-step guide to market your mobile app effectively.

Image Courtesy: weetechsolution.com

Mobile App Marketing

We have seen what marketing is, what mobile marketing is, then what exactly is mobile app marketing?

It is a kind of marketing that focuses on app promotion. To be more precise, mobile app marketing make sure the maximum retention and engagement of users who have already downloaded the app.

With the help of Mobile application:

  • Reachability has improved
  • Receptiveness has increased
  • The purchasing process has become easier
  • The sharing of apps with friends and family has become easy
  • Exposure to the different brand is accomplished
  • Product and brand value has increased
  • Revenue has increased
  • Sales in e-commerce application have increased
  • Customer engagement has increased

Importance of Mobile App Marketing

  • Every marketing approaches are valuable, why would you think, mobile app marketing is trending?
  • Mobile app marketing is essential as it gives more solid brand recognition
  • It acts as an added income for the business
  • Enhanced customer engagement and customer acquisition are the essential parts of mobile app marketing

How to market your mobile app

1. Before introducing the app

Image courtesy:dotcominfoway.com

Have you ever thought why the trailers are out for show before the film is released?

It is because they want us to be very impatient for the release of the app. When the trailer of frozen 2 released, it created a great deal of anticipation among the viewers, and people were eagerly waiting for the release. The mobile app marketers also want to bring such an essence into the app release.

So, the laid down points tells you what to do with the app before it gets launched.

  • Carry Out Pre-Launch Marketing

Pre-launch marketing is the best marketing strategy you can use when your app is ready to be launched. We tend to advertise pre-launch marketing as it will create anticipation amongst the users before launching.

  • Determine a release date

Preparing in advance will give you enough time to plan for your app’s firm launch and enables you to predict and emergencies that may occur.

  • Research Your Target Market

Before you proceed with your pre-launching strategies, make sure to run research on your target market. If you launch your app without any research, it won’t reach the correct audience, and your app will face failure.

  • Test your app before launching

It doesn’t matter how great your app is, because a single mistake can ruin the impression of your user. So, make sure to test your app again and again before launching. Let your colleagues who haven’t seen the app test it for you to confirm its perfect.

  • Conduct a competitive analysis

The correct analysis will help you to make improvements to your app. Make sure that you don’t make any of the mistakes that they have created. Make a comparative analysis by selecting five other top competitors with whom you can compare their prevailing price, monetization model, app store ranking, user experience pros and cons, and striking reviews.

  • Create a website or landing page

It is essential to create a website or landing page for your app, as it can assist us in promoting our app, and people can look at how our app works.

  • Promote on social media

Social media have become an inevitable part of marketing as it can reach thousands of people. The social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube) helps in getting you near the target audience.

  • Create a content marketing strategy

Start writing blogs as it can help you backup your app even before launching. Create blogs on random subjects, and when the app gets launched, boast about the features of the app.

2. After launching the app

Image courtesy : appsamurai.com

Many marketers think that after launching the app, their work is over. But that will be their biggest mistake because that’s when they have to market the product very aggressively.

If you want more and more people to use the app, keep on improving the app performance.

You will get a clear picture of the above statements when you go through these points.

  • Promote on social media

Social media promotion is something to be done before and after the app gets launched. In the lifetime of an app, social media marketing acts as an inevitable part, as the influence of social media on people is getting higher and higher.

  • Ask user feedbacks

Ask the user’s feedback as it plays a vital role in improving the app performance and helps you in involving your users more to the app. And ask for feedback from existing users.

  • Offer a referral bonus

Offering a referral bonus is a fabulous marketing technique. When an app offers a bonus for referring your friends, you will mention your friend.

Are you familiar with google pay?

They give away money to people who invite their friends to install the app and start a payment.

  • Keep on marketing

Once your app is famous, don’t think that your work is complete. Keep on updating the app, ask for feedback, fix bugs, and do everything you can to make your app more and more perfect.

What is Mobile App Onboarding?

 At the commencement of 2018, the average mobile app retention rate was 29% after 90 days. Overall industries, 71% of all app users get churned within 90 days. If we take a deeper look at retention averages, it doesn’t get any better. Last year (2019) also it just got worse.

Onboarding is one of the most crucial phases in an app user’s journey. App onboarding is essentially the first point of contact and therefore is required for creating a great impact. Consequently, it is necessary to make this method as easy and seamless as feasible.

A large number of people now favor native mobile apps to mobile websites. Still, it is hard for new users to know how to operate and get the most from a native app. This is where user onboarding comes into action. Onboarding is an outstanding feature that helps lead your users through and make them familiar with the app. This process allows businesses to strategically interact with their users, representing the app’s value and promoting positive user experience.

Having an efficient mobile app onboarding experience is considered great by users. Excellent user onboarding not only lowers abandonment rates but can also help boost long-term achievement metrics like user retention and user lifetime value.

This blog explains the best practices for formulating an adequate user onboarding experience that will transform original downloads into highly involved leads.

Steps to Increase User Retention With Mobile App Onboarding

Develop The Path Of Least Resistance User onboarding is meant to make things as easy for the user to start using the app. The more complicated it is for users to log in or sign-up, identify features, or operate the app, the higher the rate of user abandonment. Hence, you want to continue with the path of least resistance.

Sometimes, this indicates a single sign-up screen. This is common with social media and fun apps. But this isn’t always the most reliable plan. There are many methods of user onboarding which depend on both the use of the app, and whether the purpose of the app is new.

For example, Benefits-Oriented user onboarding communicates the value of the app, Function-Oriented user onboarding demonstrates the key functionalities, Progressive onboarding educates through guided interactions and Hybrid oriented combines the two or all of the above. Despite the most suitable user onboarding method, the aim is to make it as easy as feasible for users to start using the app.

  • Decrease Sign-up/Log In Fields

Long forms to fill up are a bad idea, particularly on mobile devices where screen sizes are smaller. The ideal thing to do is enabling users to sign-up or log in through a single field, using their social media accounts.

Still, some apps will need more data, for instance, a service-based app that has user support of the current customers. In case you want to gather only essential information, and that is huge, you can consider splitting the process into more than one screen.

  • Make it simple within one screen 

Users are capable to digest data more easily if that information is accurate and directed. This practice is especially important for function-oriented and benefits-oriented onboarding, where the goal is to prove key app functionalities or demonstrate value.

  • Give Feedback As Fast As Possible 

Feedback helps multiple goals in onboarding, most regularly to show mistakes or progress in the validation manner. It can also be used through animations that act as positive support for achieving interactions.

  • Apply Guided Interaction To Drive Progress 

Many apps that are a tad more complicated use a progressive onboarding strategy; basically, a tutorial on how to use the app. The apps with the most prosperous progressive onboarding grant the user the fun of learning without hindering the action by using guided cooperation.

Guided interaction is about engaging users in research, rather than telling them what to do. This idea is very prevalent in video games; instead of long tutorials, users play through the procedures to become accustomed to the controls and background.

Guided interaction is also great for apps with empty states when users need to take effect for content to supply.

  • Use Animation intentionally

There are 3 logics to use animations in the onboarding means, i.e. bring attention to details to help the user progress, feedback, and concept of the whole place. The animation should always be handled with one of these goals in mind and should be used sparingly. They should attract attention, but not hurt the user.

  • And Finally, Test! 

User onboarding is first and principal about the users themselves. Listening to and playing upon user reviews and feedback can help you recognize points of conflict in your onboarding process and fix them. Once you have sufficient data to observe patterns, try new things, and test to see if users love or loathe them.

Mobile app onboarding is important for activating users, promoting engagement, and defeating abandonment rates. Understanding these best practices will encourage you to create a highly efficient onboarding process that will not only drive user engagement but improve user involvement as well.

How To Solve Biggest Problems With Mobile Application Developments

  • Positive User Experience

You don’t want your app to just lay there in the user’s phone not being handled for months, or worse yet, and in the end being uninstalled. To guarantee active users on your app, onboarding comes in handy. As the first user interaction plays a central role in deciding whether the user will use your app again or not, you need to give them the amplest user experience.

Directing the users via onboarding on how to use the app and what characteristics it possesses, will help them navigate with ease and they won’t feel lost. They get a balanced idea of why they should use the app and most importantly how to use it effectively.

Once you get this right, you will see how amazing the benefits of onboarding are.

  • Proper utilization of features

It takes some time for the users to get used to your app and find out their way around it. Sometimes, users are incapable to make themselves well-known with certain features on their own, which is a great obstacle in our view for your app to increase conversion. Practicing the best onboarding approaches fixes this issue before it has a chance to rise.

  • Increases App Retention

Onboarding is essential for making your app an absolute favorite of the users. You ask how it does it? Well, when you grant users with insights into your app and direct them towards adequately using its features and functions, the users are tended to stay with your app. Hence, it increases the app retention rate by multi-folds.

  • Research, Research again & Research Well

If you are planning to kick start an application, you need to research what’s currently trending. Analyzing can give you proper insights regarding your competitors, their pros, cons, etc. It can also help you to avoid any mistakes your competitor has done. Another crucial point is user reviews. Consumers are best critics as they give you blunt opinions straight from the heart. Scan what the users have to say regarding a particular app. Keep a note of both what they love and hate in an app. Such points can assist you in winning the customer’s heart.

  • App store optimization

You have a great creative title. But if you don’t have the kind of keywords that people use to “search”, chances of success are still murky. So make sure to fan out all the essential keywords that can skyrocket your app. Do not use both singular and plural versions of keywords. Spelling mistakes, exceeding your character limit, etc. is bad. The situation becomes worse when you repeat the same keyword thinking that would help with ranking. To be honest, keep the description, title, etc. short and sweet and make sure to proofread before launch. Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, Apptopia, etc. are a few websites that can help you in getting your competitor’s keywords.

  •  What makes you Unique?

What possible features do you have that makes a user commit to you? I realize not everyone can afford to own every single feature. So make sure to narrow on the essential ones that users prefer. It is also crucially important to serve something out of the box. People are looking for something fresh. Believe it or not, the end-user tends to get bored and frustrated quite easily. So make sure you deliver something unique.

  • User-friendly features

Too many confusing programs can make the user move your app to “Uninstall”. Thus, make sure to provide easy to use without stuffing a bunch of features. High-speed networks such as 4G are setting the bar very high for both developers and users. Make sure your app doesn’t take any time to load. A data-efficient mobile app is loved by many users. Too much time can eat up the mobile data of the user. It also creates a bad impression on the user pushing them to put forth a negative review. Hence, make sure that the mobile application handles data proficiently and does not suck up all the data. Simultaneously, you can also deliver a progressive indicator or animation while your app loads. This will calm down a restless user and give the message that the app is working but waiting for the network to get proficient.

  • What’s your budget?

Stating the obvious, mobile application development involves money. To top it, allocating them at the right stages of development is essential. If you have someone to keep a strict eye on your expense, your budget will remain unchanged from the start to the end.

  • Opt for one sole platform

What is the platform you are planning to use – iOS, Android, or Windows? You must plan it early. If you are planning to launch on many platforms, make sure to inform the developers early. This will eliminate guesswork for the developers as well and save a lot of time, energy, and money.

  • Patience is a virtue

I do realize the idea came outright in your mind but you need to understand the fact that your app will not be available overnight. There are structures such as designing, programming, and many testing stages. Keep a tag on your SOPs that will support you as you grow.

  • Run a test before the big launch

Once set, make sure to give it a test run before you launch it off to the market. Check the overall design (logo, colors, trademark, and so on). Make sure that your mobile application developments are user-friendly, easy to understand, and deliver excellent performance. Testing it will give you the liberty to smoothen out any points that go unnoticed.

  • Secured payment and Privacy

It doesn’t matter if yours is a paid app or free. It all comes down to how much secured is your app. This is one of the most overlooked factors that many developers ignore. If your app is delving into personal info of users, then make sure their privacy is secured from malware and potential threats.

  • Make your presence feel among the target audience

Once you have created the application, you may build a website where you can promote your app. Many mobile app developers have a blog and undoubtedly, an FB and twitter account. Utilize them to the fullest and connect with your audience such as sharing the updates as and when your app grows.

  • Excellent App Description

The description says a lot about your app. Many users do not take the time to check out your website and go through the app details. This is where the description plays a fundamental role. Make sure to use the description to covers the key points especially how exactly the application will benefit the user. NOTE Google play store or Apple store displays the only couple of lines from your description. This makes the users tap on the ‘Read more’ button to get through the entire description. So it is very, very critical that you make the first 2-3 lines creative enough to boost the conversion rate i.e. convert the users into your loyal customers.

Since mobile phones are the primary means to enable everyone stays connected to the Web and take advances of GPS, social networking sites, messengers, and much more, there has been growing demands to develop numerous applications that could make everyone’s life easier with time if an individual shows interest in that; apart from business perspectives. A mobile phone seems incomplete and outdated which has limited features, especially if we talk about the most basic need that is the internet. The apps that most users install in their phones may be business apps, social apps, fun, or gaming apps. The clients hence may target a specific audience or intend to make that kind of application that catches the attention of most mainstream users.

Are you still in search of Android development companies in Ernakulam, or some mobile application development company in Kochi?

At NdimensionZ, we use either the native application development technique or Cross-platform mobile app development method to develop user-friendly apps, which are easy to use and maintain. If you want the best service and are in search of a mobile application development company in Kochi, gear up to experience the most solid service from NdimensionZ.