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ApacheBooster has been specifically designed to enhance the working of web-servers based on cPanel. ApacheBooster as the name suggests boosts the working ability of the Apache web server, which is according to the census the most used web server in the world!

Nginx and varnish has been fused together in ApacheBooster to make it effectively efficient in its working. If you are new to these terms and don’t know what is Varnish and nginx then take a look:

What is Nginx?

Nginx is a super quality high performing web server software that speeds up the working of the web server. The best features of Nginx is that it is very fast in its working i.e in retrieving static files and also helps in saving memory by using less memory for processing of concurrent requests. It is very efficient in handling the traffic requests. With the less amount of memory used, it is capable of handling more requests / clients when compared to Apache.

Nginx is a reverse proxy server of open source type that smartly balances the load, a web server and web cache (also known as HTTP cache). It is considered to be Internet world’s one of the best open source web server.

What is Varnish?

Varnish is a proxy server effective in reducing the access time used by a website to provide results. A HTTP accelerator, Varnish greatly helps the websites with dynamic content. It is super fast and provides productive results and that has what helped it to score the best numbers from the developers. With cache being stored in memory, it can handle more requests per second thus saving CPU time.

The Features of ApacheBooster

  • Caching property: The ApacheBooster’s caching property helps in storing the static as well as the dynamic content from the websites. This property of ApacheBooster helps in reducing the load of additional traffic from the web server and also saves time.
  • Unison of WHM(Web Host Manager) and cPanel: The integration of cPanel & Web Host Manager helps in performing the important task at an lightening speed. cPanel work as the front end and WHM as the back end. They carry out the database creation, email address creation etc and the management process of these respectively.
  • Usage of integrated Varnish and Nginx software: Improving website performance

  • Helps in getting the Domain list, directly from the Apache server.

  • ApacheBooster is compatible to the VCL (Visual Component Library) script.

Install ApacheBooster on your system and see how it accelerates the working pace of your websites and server!