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Cloud Computing

Since you now know the basics of Cloud Computing, you must also go through its advantages and disadvantages. It does not matter how much technically sound we become, there are always some benefits as well as the drawbacks that we have to deal with. Therefore, like any other technology, cloud computing has its share of positive as well as negative features. So, below are some of the points that most organizations experience while dealing with the Cloud computing providers:

Advantages of Cloud Computing

1. Reliable – Cloud Computing guarantees 24/7 of service for the whole year, even if a server suddenly stops functioning. This is because the servers are shared throughout and there is practically no loss of data whatsoever.

2. Backup/Disaster Recovery – Cloud offers easier backup and recovery as compared to the physical device. It is capable of providing sound technology, which helps to retrieve or access any kind of information, even at the time of extreme disasters.

3. Huge storage capacity – We never run out of storage space when it comes to data accumulation because the Cloud has unlimited capacity. The availability varies as per one’s need.

4. Cost Effective – If an organization chooses to build its own servers from scratch, then that would get extremely expensive and time-consuming as well. The Cloud computing has the provision of limited payment that we as consumers have to pay in order to get the resources we want. This is how it gets cost effective.

5. Easy accessing of information – Once the registration is made, one can easily access his/her account from any part of the world, despite the location. This is the primary reason why the concept of Cloud computing gained sudden popularity.

6. Bandwidth – One can avoid sending the whole files to the recipients and instead go with sending a web link to the involved recipients. This greatly reduces the bandwidth use.

7. Usability – All kinds of cloud storage services have the facility of allowing their users dragging and dropping of the concerned files between the local storages and cloud storages. This enhances the flexibility of usage.

Advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

1. Security – Although, Cloud computing sound extremely promising in terms of security and it is quite well suitable when it comes to safeguarding the service providers’ clients and consumers, there are still higher chances of risk associated with the security system. The clients must choose the best ones after a thorough research.

2. Technical – Being a service provider to countless clients there is a possibility of system issues that could lead to suspension temporarily. If the internet connection gets temporarily unavailable, then any kind of application, server, or data from the cloud would not be accessible.

3. Difficulty in switching the service providers – For many organizations, it is quite burdensome to host (and integrate as well) current cloud applications on any other platform. Many issues may arise, such as interoperability and support. For instance, Apps being developed on Linux may or may not function properly on Microsoft frameworks like (dot).Net.

4. Usability – Sometimes the users carelessly drag and drop the folders from their physical storage to the Cloud which isn’t a good practice. This is because it permanently moves the whole data to the new space located in the Cloud. Do copy and paste instead of that and you would be having an additional copy of each.

If you feel that some points are still missing and are not mentioned here, please feel free to write those in the comment section below.