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The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a disastrous change in all aspects of the business. But the impact of digitalization on the business played a vital role in the field of the workforce. The technology proved to be a turning point by means of workplace flexibility. Making it easier to combat this pandemic crisis by enhancing innovative digital solutions ideas, the organization’s function remains undisturbed by people continuing working remotely. Let’s check out how pandemic has impacted digital transformation.

Innovative strategies and practices:

Any business needs to keep up with the new technology and development. One must keep updating the business strategy and ideas, which is a crucial component of the business. A situation like a pandemic has been a great competition both in small and medium types of business. Many talented minds could undoubtedly fill the technology crisis gaps at this pandemic condition. The response has been incredible for utilizing the advanced and upgraded technologies which could efficiently be successfully implemented.

Acquiring digital transformation will be effective at both industry and organizational levels:

The digital transformation impact on business in the pandemic situation has been very effective to both the companies and industries. They started engaging with their customers online and got a very impressive response in turn. According to the survey reports, interacting with customers through a digital medium has been rapidly increased compared to the conducted previous year’s surveys; the reports are far ahead. In Asia, the survey rate is three-time faster than before the pandemic crisis, and 80% of the customer interaction is occurring digitally.

Customers interaction that accelerated digitally:

The customers’ demand has increased rapidly, and what is even more satisfying is the cost efficiencies. The economic impact of digital transformation across many regions has been increased by seven-year—the rate of products and services industries have been producing and developing. According to findings during the pandemic crisis, industries have been essentially concentrating on their contribution rather than giving a leap gap of a few months in developing the products.

The difference in the development rate of the business areas:

During this pandemic condition, the development rates of digital products across other business sectors differ. Due to the manufacturing process, differences are more evident with or without the physical products than among business and Business Consumer companies. 

Based on a survey in the automotive and consumer packaged goods fields, the results are comparatively very low in their digital product case. Whereas, in health care, financial and professional services, the rate is significantly increased nearly twice in comparison with those consumer packaged goods companies.

The other survey reports which have been affected due to the digitalization are the production department, R&D process, and back-office; their internal operations have been influenced badly due to the impact of digital transformation.

Immense changes will work for the long term:

According to the survey’s respondents, the outcome is very effective from many geographical areas. The report says the rate is favourably increased in working remotely, altering consumer needs, redirecting the new hygienic and healthy things, and most customers preferred remote interactions. So significantly, there is a twice increasing number of cloud migration in the areas, and these shifts are considered to be consistent even if the pandemic crisis became the norm.

The reported surveys help the business companies set a strategy according to the crisis changes, which would probably run for a longer-term. Some investment changes have to be made or completely removed, which was finalized before the pandemic crisis. 

The companies need to work in interacting with their customers about the currently acquired investments in data security. Many of the reports confirmed that technology-related alteration and customer interaction along with remote work would recommence in the future as well. But remote working and cloud shifting has been the cost-effective response. 

It is responded that 70 percent more remote working is likely to be favourable to the customers than the pre-crisis situation. It would remain the same until the pandemic lasts. The changes it brought are best in some ways as online interaction demands rapidly increase, fulfilling customer needs. It is proved as more effective and better for organizations than before the pre-crisis as the investment is made in artificial intelligence and data security.

Market with innovations:

The primary factor during this pandemic crisis is the technology capabilities. Industries. A huge difference between successful and other companies is the talent. The way they keep up with the technologies and their upgrading capabilities. Success is the crucial factor that every organization desires to achieve. But unless it is implemented into an experiment, the company will not understand its position where they stand among others. 

Many companies came forward with innovative ideas to execute it with the new digital technologies during this pandemic. Funds and time are the two key aspects to encourage any experimentation. With the technology, it is easier to speed up the time to receive important business information and collect the funds to spend on the new initiatives.

Digitally-focused business:

The pandemic crisis helps the people operate their digitally-focused business more effectively as it helps the companies observe their investments before spending it on software and capabilities. It made the companies look for other distinct ways to minimize the investments and ensure whether it would meet the customers’ needs and justify the investment accordingly.

At the same time, look into opting for better services. Observe the other organization like how they manage their companies through digital services and what complications they face. Learn to adopt which technology would make their company convenient to run effortlessly online, creating a straightforward and smooth way for both employees and customers.

Automation services:

Technology also greatly enhances automation and contactless services, giving both customers and the company’s brand a great experience. The automation services will promote fewer processes as it will provide employees with less work and create a positive and safe experience for the customers.

The automation services have the incredible ability to manage all the processes right from the received order to the email subscription lists. Nowadays, many organizations have started to adopt this power of automation in their organizations. Due to this pandemic crisis, many growing industries have forcefully changed their perspective and learned about the benefits of technology that no other can approach them.


The concept of technology adoption or digital interference is nothing new. Making it easier to compete during the pandemic, and according to the survey, this COVID-19 pandemic crisis is an ending point of historic regulations. And furtherly more changes are going to take place as the human needs and economy evolve. The survey also shows that many organizations have taken the necessary steps already to match this pandemic. To keep up with the business, one must learn to adapt to the changes tactically. 

To know how to execute them and manage the changes organizationally. It will be quite difficult to accept this critical change and learn for new adoption. But it will be better for them to acknowledge the modern technology capabilities and grab the opportunities. It is likely to accept this pandemic crisis as it will not end anytime soon.