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DevOps vs. Agile: Understanding the Key Differences are helping to set the stage to modern software development practices in today’s world. DevOps allows collaboration between operation and development teams, and the Agile approach improves the efficiency of developers and makes development processes more efficient. There are a lot of distinct distinctions among Agile and DevOps however, there are also some similarities that are common to each. This article discusses the differences in Agile as well as DevOps in depth.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is an approach to software development that seamlessly connects the operations of IT and development within an organization in order to boost efficiency and foster better communication between teams. DevOps involves the integration of processes, people, techniques, tools, and technology to enable the deployment of code in a secure and efficient manner.

DevOps Lifecycle

In contrast to the traditional practices for software development techniques, DevOps is an ongoing procedure of creating tests, deploying and evaluating. Its primary goal is to continually deliver high-quality software in a timely manner. The incorporation of DevOps offers a number of benefits like speedier, more reliable and easily integrated deployments.

The fundamentals of DevOps are founded on six core beliefs that include continuous integration, continuous deployment, continual testing Continuous deployment and constant collaboration. Combining two distinct departments as well as procedures (development as well as operations) and connecting them leads to greater transparency and focus in automated tests.

Jez Humble, who is the co-author of the book ‘The DevOps Handbook’, coined the term “CALMS” to refer to the DevOps framework. It stands for culture automation Lean, measurement and sharing.

  1. Culture symbolizes the shift in culture that happens in an organization when the operations and development teams work together.
  2. Automatization refers as a way of replacing manual processes by automation which speeds up time and improves the quality of products. DevOps is a fusion of Lean methods of continual improvement as well as testing.
  3. Measuring is the method of measuring results in order to improve the quality of your work.
  4. Sharing refers to the division of responsibility between the teams of development and operations to resolve issues and come up with solutions effectively.

What is Agile?

The Agile methodology is a method of approach that aligns in accordance with the principles of Agile Manifesto. It is a method of iterative approaches for managing projects and software, which focuses on collaboration between teams of different functions to come up with solutions as well as feedback from customers in order to improve the quality of software and rapid releases that keep to deadlines.

Agile development breaks processes down into smaller pieces called sprints which can last anywhere from two weeks to months. The Agile approach focuses on the gradual deployments during each sprint, and then integrating them into final testing. It can be accomplished with the help of tools like Kanban board Scrum, XP, Active Collab and more.

The four values at the heart for what is known as the Agile Software Development process is outlined below.

1. People and interactions with processes and tools

The Agile Manifesto states the importance of prioritizing people over processes. It is a standard routine among a lot of software companies to focus more on finding the best tools to develop their software. But, even the most powerful tools can fail when they are used by an unqualified team. The key to success in this case is assembling the right team of people and allowing them to collaborate and communicate to create a positive workplace and to address problems at the first sign of trouble.

2. Working software over comprehensive documentation

Although the documentation is crucial, it shouldn’t be the place in the center of attention. In the past it was common routine among software teams to devote time documenting procedures. The Agile Manifesto says that the top priority should be placed on the delivery of software to users instead of investing too many hours in documentation, instead of actually creating the software.

3. Collaboration with the customer during contract negotiation

Before, contracts were an important issue and lots of time and energy was devoted into writing them and making the negotiations for the various rules and regulations. Most of the time the result was a mistake, because the contract might state something, but the product was an entirely different thing, while the customer’s need was a different one. The Agile manifesto says that continual development and constant co-operation with the customer is the most effective method to ensure the project’s successful completion.

4. Reacting to changes following the plan

We are living in a constantly changing environment where customer priorities, desires, requirements, and needs change quickly over a span of time. Therefore, today, greater than any time before, it’s vital that software teams have an agile and flexible approach. Agile Manifesto Agile Manifesto is all about taking into consideration and accepting changes in mid-project to improve all project aspects. Agile teams possess the extraordinary capability to make changes midway instead of slavishly adhering to an unchanging plan.

Key Difference Between Agile and DevOps

  • DevOps is a method of bringing the operations and development teams together. Agile is a method of iteration which focuses on collaboration, feedback from customers and smaller, rapid releases.
  • DevOps concentrates on continuous testing and delivery, while the Agile method is focused on continuous adjustments.
  • DevOps requires a relatively large team, whereas Agile needs a small team.
  • DevOps makes use of the shift left as well as right concepts, however, Agile leverages shift-left principle.
  • The primary focus of Agile is software development, whereas the goal for DevOps is to provide complete business solutions and rapid delivery.
  • DevOps is more focused on business and operational readiness, whereas Agile concentrates on non-functional and functional readiness.


While there are many obvious distinctions among DevOps in comparison to the Agile approach, their ultimate objective of increasing speed and creating high-quality software is identical in their approach. The most appealing aspect of DevOps and Agile methods is that they are able to exist in the same world. It’s possible to say that each isn’t complete without the other and it does not make sense to completely separate them. DevOps and Agile can be used in conjunction to create great products, and also improve the lifecycle of software development (SDLC).

We’re all part of an increasingly fast-paced world which means that a product must be successful and endure despite emerging trends or circumstances that come up. To do this, companies must embrace practices like DevOps or Agile and be able to adapt to the latest methods in the near future. DevOps and Agile are tools that truly help teams become more productive, enhance the process of developing software, and ultimately bring benefits to the user.