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Any enterprise, be it an automotive OEM or a logistics firm, produces tonnes of data. With Industry 4.0 elevating industries to get hold of technology innovations, collecting and organizing all your internal data is crucial for proper data management. And that is where the enterprise data management (EDM) system comes in. EDM is a set of practices that lets organizations efficiently manage structured and unstructured data produced by them.

Entertaining inaccurate data practices in a firm severely affects decision making and affects the entire business model. Therefore, EDM is the most comfortable and effective way to manage all of an organization’s data. It centralizes and organizes all the available data for easy management and processing. The practice delivers valuable insights into your products, services, and even employee demographics that help in finessing the workflow and increase profit. Therefore, EDM is the first step in the transformation of your firm into a data-driven company.

Enterprise Data Management Constituents

The enterprise data management framework uses various data handling techniques to organize and centralize enterprise data. The process devises distinct data sets such as metadata, reference, master, transactional, and more. Such diverse classification helps users and systems in hassle-free data management and processing. However, EDM consists of four unique subsystems, which are;

Data governance

Enterprise data governance is a set of regulations. The mission to take complete control over the flow of data by assigning the right permissions, including to the stakeholders, to elevate success. The model focuses on enhancing data accountability to develop an adequate data flow in an organization. It includes policies, procedures, roles, tasks, and responsibilities for even a simple event such as a document creation. The enhanced data responsibilities ultimately improve privacy, consistency, and quality of the data flow.

Data integration

Data integration is a critical element in enterprise data management strategy. If the collected data is distributed throughout the system, the system or employees spend huge time finding them. This step brings all the organization data into a centralized system for easy access and management. Therefore, data integration evidently makes collaboration easier and effective, saving time and resources. Also, the technique reduces errors in the workflow, such as duplication and rework. As a result, data integration delivers a centralized platform for organizations to find valuable insights into their workflow and enhance it.

Master Data Management

When there are a million data points from different sources, it is essential to find the most relevant and accurate one and follow it for the entire workflow. Enterprise master data management is the technique that ensures a single true data in your firm, be it the list of customers or vendors in the supply chain. This true data, also known as golden copy, is crucial in any process as it is the reference. Master data management uses data analysis and processing techniques such as data lineage and cataloguing on the raw data to generate the golden copy.

Data Security

Even though data governance introduces ethical practices to the company stakeholders and improves data privacy, it is still under threat. A centralized data handling system demands top-notch cybersecurity to ensure its security. Under no circumstances should the most sensitive information be at risk due to malware attack internally or externally. Data security deploys state of the art hardware and software that protects your data. The approach also introduces data encryption that elevates the safety of your entire system, making it impenetrable.

Best measures for EDM strategy

Enterprise data management system ensures data consistency and helps in developing a. Plus, the practice aids to produce valuable insights into products and workflow. EDM is an excellent investment for any business to increase profit and save time. Therefore, while opting for it, you can train an in-house team or bring experts from the industry with outsourcing. Both ways, it is essential for you to understand the best measures in the EDM strategy to smoothen the process.


Before collecting data, good practice thoroughly studies the already laid infrastructure to understand the organization. Organization characteristics, activities, and business targets are all analyzed to understand the system better. The assessment part also maps the input and output points of data and helps in finding the bottlenecks.

Finding Clear Outcomes

Before collecting and organizing the data, it is vital to understand what you expect from the process. The assessment step helps understand the system, whereas this part is all about understanding your expectation from the EDM process. The method includes defining data products by understanding how you have to use the final product’s data. If you are outsourcing your company’s EDM, we strongly recommend discussing your concerns and requirements beforehand with the service providers.

Establish Standards & Follow Them

In other words, follow data governance. Data governance lets you set effective rules and regulations inside your firm to enhance the data flow. It is vital for the system and the employees to follow the standards for success. Therefore, it is essential that the stakeholders strictly follow the standards, procedures, and policies. Train your staff if necessary to let them understand the importance of the practice. Also, educate them about the roles and responsibilities as a team and an individual to facilitate data management.


Keep your employees and partner up to date with the changes happening inside your organization. Make sure that their practices are compliant with the system-wide approach and never deviates from it. Most importantly, it may lead to severe security threats against the data management system as well. Therefore, notify your partners and colleagues about the new procedures and standards which affect them.