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Achieving efficiency is the holy grail for IT companies. The hard fact is that there are no “silver bullet” methods for improving IT efficiency. Yes, this is a hard truth but a truth nonetheless. As of now, the only thing that’s close to a perfect solution we have is DevOps. The DevOps framework has yielded excellent results and has been helping organizations develop products with greater speed and efficiency.  

So what is DevOps? 

As its name suggests, DevOps is derived by combining software development and software operations. DevOps is a collaborative approach that unifies the development and operations teams in an organization in its most basic sense. DevOps is not a tool by itself, but DevOps is a combination of ideas, processes and practices of using tools to help a system work faster, better and transparent to provide continuous delivery of values to end-users. DevOps is all about shipping values where it belongs as fast and as good as possible. DevOps puts everything in the development and operation department in a “room” to integrate the project and deploy the end product to consumers as soon as possible.

What DevOps did was simple yet revolutionary. It got rid of the boundaries, uniting the departments to work together. Thanks to this, we see a rise of new culture in offices where development, operations, and QA teams collaborate like never before, moving the notion of development to a new realm. Throughout the years, the vogue for DevOps services has hastened solely fueled by the results it had achieved.

Benefits of DevOps

Numerous factors drive organizational performance, which includes market situations, management quality and operational efficiency. There is no easy formula or single factor that guarantees success. But, now we have many studies which provide quantitative data that suggest IT performance and DevOps practices contribute to organizational performance. There are many benefits that DevOps offers to make you believe that DevOps is the future in the IT industry.

Collaboration and trust

When it comes to bringing together people, DevOps is the best. DevOps has paved the way to building a culture of shared responsibility, transparency, and faster feedback among departments, changing how people work as a unit. In a DevOps culture, there are no inter-departmental silos among development, operations and QA teams. Trust is built on open communication and behaving predictably even in challenging situations. The teams will be able to work more effectively while facing challenges with the trust created.


We live in a world where everything needs to be done quickly. Even with innovations, we need to keep it at an increasing pace. Without DevOps, the communication and collaboration between development and operation teams often lead to confusion and delay in deploying services. Teams that practice DevOps can release deliverables more frequently, with higher quality and stability. DevOps systems need not as much time to remediate security issues and product failures, and the saved time can be spent on new, value-adding work.


Developers are at the heart of a company’s innovation, and adopting DevOps can be more productive and accelerate collaboration. As a result, they can be more engaged with others. This means they get direct feedback very often, which gives them the option to understand the customer needs and make improvements to the values developed. The demand of the customer’s changes too often, so facing the future with DevOps is the right thing to do to keep up with the changing customer needs. These innovations need to reach customers quickly and stay available. And DevOps puts you in a Catbird seat while doing so.

Quality and Reliability

DevOps is not just about the speed of development and operations. Yes, DevOps can

create more features and do it quicker, but speed is nothing if the deliverables are not reliable. The components that enhance IT performance are deployment frequency, lead time for changes, and time to recover from failure. DevOps users are less likely to experience failures, and even when things go wrong, they can work incredibly faster to respond to failures and make recovery runs. To increase IT performance, DevOps implements practices that increase these throughput and reliability measures.

Continuous Release and Deployment:

In all the studies published on DevOps, it is clear that top performers in DevOps can

deploy values more frequently than companies that don’t use DevOps. And not only can they deploy more they usually will have a leap time for changes; this is why DevOps helps deliver values faster. Continuous release ensures that your software always has a releasable status, which turns deployment into a non-event that can be performed when demanded. Continuous delivery changes the entire software delivery process, making it economical and low-risk to release the new software version to consumers.

Time-saving and Economical

Traditionally security testing occurs when development on a release is complete. Once defects are revealed, developers must determine their cause and how to fix them. In many cases, expensive and time-consuming architectural changes are necessary. The process of integrating, testing, and fixing defects are by their volatile nature, further pushes out delivery dates and creates a cycle of firefighting and heroics. DevOps ensures that processes do not slow down development. Implementing DevOps practices prevents the need for expensive fixes and unplanned works.

Challenges in DevOps

DevOps is great. But does that mean every company should incorporate it into their operations? Of Course not; DevOps solutions are not perfect either. Yes, there are many challenges to be addressed. After all, no method is completely perfect. Like we have stated at the beginning of this article. 

Change in Culture: The switch to DevOps can result in a major change in the workplace culture. It can be hard as it is a long term process that needs a lot of patience and endurance.
Switching from Legacy Infrastructure to Microservices: Changes are not always easy. There is a high barrier to entry with microservices. By moving to microservices architecture from a monolith and legacy infrastructure, you need to update the hardware and software systems according to the latest trends to cope with the increased operational workloads that microservices bring.
Tool Turbulence: As we have said already, DevOps makes things easy. Sometimes a little too easy. And it tends to make people dependent on the various tools available to solve even the smallest of their problems.  
Resistance to Change: Not everyone in your company will be psyched about the switch. People will not leave their comfort zones, which can create resistance and affect the whole work.  

Why is it important?

Not all companies have incorporated the DevOps framework into their operations. And most of them are managing just fine. But once you’ve made the transition, it isn’t easy to go back. More precisely, you wouldn’t want to go back. Why would you? Incorporating DevOps practices into your development operations comes with a range of benefits, including greater efficiency, security, and organizational collaboration. 

Solving problems, and improving efficiency, are great. Beyond that, DevOps services help create amazing products and yield greater profits and customer satisfaction. 

Perhaps the most important reason why DevOps matters are that it enables organizations to reach their true potential. 

Facing the Future with DevOps

With DevOps becoming its department and the modern programmer’s desired skill set, the DevOps future looks bright. DevOps future in its industry will continue to be essential, especially as companies become more reliant on cloud infrastructure. It turns out DevOps reckoning isn’t quite at hand yet. And the companies are intended to face the future with DevOps.