Organizations all over the world are facing restrictions in its daily operations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Going forward, these restrictions will impact the education industry as well. In such a situation, the existing educational system needs to be digitized, starting from kindergarten to universities. The entire educational & learning system along with its processes need to be shifted from manual paper based into a digital ecosystem. In this digital landscape, all the essential functionalities of the educational system can be brought into a secure online space.
The Need of the hour
In the light of the current situation, social distancing is the need of the hour. In the near future, the need for face to face interactions in an education/learning process can be minimal considering the technology advancement virtual reality space. It is in this context that various functionalities that require direct interactions between students and administrative authorities give way to a digital ecosystem that can sustain uncertainty.
The shift in roles
Until now ,most of the educational institution portals/websites acted as a digital information source for the public where more than 70% of the functions were manual & paper based and also required human intervention for its processing. But now important functionalities such as the online applications, admission of students, identification and shortlisting of colleges from a university, student allotment & interviews, examination registration and online exams, online learning management system (LMS), student evaluation, grievance redressal and student transfer request can be shifted onto a digital platform.
A unified approach
To ensure such a 360 degree digital transformation, we need a unified approach in order to create an ecosystem that encompasses all modules which can operate in silos with high degree of collaboration.
Key Challenges and Solution proposition
On shifting a paper based and manual intensive system to completely online platform there will be various challenges faced such as :
- Operational challenge
- User training challenges
- Continuous scalability challenges
- Ease of use
To meet these challenges, our key focus should be in strengthening the digital infrastructure of educational institutions to bring about a paradigm shift in its current outdated method of functioning.
A Digital ecosystem that accommodates all types of users in all ways forming a highly integrated system is the solution to this.
The entire system is divided into modules and all modules are integrated, allowing open and free flowing communication between the modules thereby removing the roadblocks in execution.
Collaborative and integrated system
Simply put, it can operate as both individual modules and as a part of a highly functional system. Every module is operational as silos and at the same time seamlessly connects and collaborates as a unified system. For example, data stored in the Admission module can be made available for use by other modules in the system as and when required.
NDZ’s University Management System
NDZ implemented such a system in , a renowned university in India , to streamline the numerous functionalities of the university. The university management system consist of modules such as :
- Examination management system
- Student’s resource management system
- Payroll & accounts management system
- Human resource management system
- Inventory management system
- Library management system
- Miscellaneous uses

This system set in motion the University’s transformation to a digital ecosystem with integrated departmental functions- a potential game changer for achieving a streamlined approach .
The fine line that used to exist between the physical world and the digital world has become blurred. It is high time that educational institutions realise this and begin to bridge the gap by embracing new technological innovations.
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