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If you come across the below error on accessing Awstats from cPanel

Error: LogFile parameter is not defined in config / domain file
(‘/home/{user}/tmp/awstats/awstats.{domain.com}.conf’ file, web server or permissions) may be wrong.
See AWStats documentation in ‘docs’ directory for informations on how to setup awstats.
Usually the above error means one of the following
1. Incorrect permissions of /home/{user}/tmp or2. The account has exceeded their disk quota and the awstats.domain.com.conf file cannot be created/updated. The stats will not run until the disk quota has been increased for the affected accounts. You also might have to wait up to 24 hours for logs to run again, or you can force logs to run.

To run the webstats for one account:

# /scripts/runweblogs {user}

If the above didn’t fix the issue, check whether this file is empty or not. The file must contain the configuration of awstats. If it is empty there will be some other issues. You can restore this file from a backup before the last modified time.