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Cloud computing is the swift delivery of different services through the internet. The other resources involved in these services include various tools and applications like data storage, databases, servers, software, and networking. Cloud computing is recommended these days because rather than keeping files on a proprietary hard drive or on some local storage device, cloud-based services make it possible to save them to a remote database or server. This electronic device has access to the internet, and it has quick access to the data and the software programs to run it. Cloud computing is popular for increased productivity, cost savings, efficiency and speed performance, and data security.

Different types of cloud computing

There are three main models for cloud computing- IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. Each of these models represents a different part of the cloud computing stack.

  1. Infrastructure as a Service, or IaaS, provides business and individuals access to crucial web architecture, such as the servers, storage space, and network connections, without the need for the business of purchasing and managing this internet infrastructure all by themselves. With respect to the economies of scale and specialization involved, this can be beneficial for both the parties that are the business providing the web infrastructure and the one using it. Basically, IaaS allows an internet business to develop and grow on demand. Also, both PaaS and SaaS clouds are embedded in IaaS clouds, as the company providing the software as a service is also providing the infrastructure to run that particular software.
  2. Platform as a Service (PaaS) clouds are created, several times inside the IaaS Clouds by software specialists to render deployment and scalability of any application. By this way it helps to make your expenses more predictable and scalable. The main benefit of a service like this is that for as little as no money or less investment you can initiate your application with no pressure more than basic development and sometimes maybe a little porting if you are dealing with an existing application. Moreover, PaaS allows a lot of scalability and durability by design because it is entirely based on cloud computing. If the company requires a lean operations staff, then a PaaS can be extremely useful if your application is going to capitulate. One major negative point of using a PaaS Cloud computing provider is that these services may implement some major restrictions or trade-offs that will not work with your product under any given circumstances.
  3. Software as a Service (SaaS) is a comparatively more mature service as the service used predates that of cloud computing.It allows the cloud to be capitalized for intricate software architecture, reducing the pressure of maintenance, operations, and support by having the application run on computers belonging to the service provider. It is to note that not all SaaS has to be based on cloud computing.


Phases of cloud migration in cloud computing

Migrating your entire organizational data and structure to a cloud-based platform has never been easier. An extremely well-designed cloud platform that understands all your requirements can very easily transform the way you do business. There is a simple program that consists of 4 cloud migration steps that ensures a smooth cloud transition. The different phases of Cloud Migration are as follows:

1. Planning and Preparation of a business case

This step involves developing a sound and comprehensive business case. A business case is a document which addresses in detail why you need to migrate to cloud computing in the first place. It also works as a comprehensive analysis of the entire company and its various applications involved. The next step here is the formation of a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE). The CCoE is essentially a team of IT specialists who are in charge of handling the entire process.

2.Planning of the portfolio

This phase involves mapping of the inter-dependencies between various applications and arriving at a method to migrate them. A major part of this process depends on the importance and complexity of the various applications themselves. Therefore, it is suggested to work out new methods and test them on relatively easy and less important applications. This step gives the CCoE a chance to gain some valuable experience.

3.Designing the application, Migration, and Validation

The next two steps are generally carried out simultaneously. In this step, the applications are focused on individual and specific methods that are developed to migrate them individually, thereby improving the quality of the migration process. Here the famous 6 R’s strategy is implemented, which includes Re-host, Re-platform, Repurchase, Refactor, Retire, Retain. This strategy is implemented to transfer the applications from a conventional setup to a cloud computing setup.

4. Contemporary Operating Model

The final step is the selection of a modern operating model. The performance quality of any cloud-based system depends entirely on its platform. So, it is significant to ensure that the cloud system you’ve adopted is modern as well as competitive. Contemporary Operating Model makes it reasonably easy to update and optimize the applications. This is the last step to test and update the effectiveness of the cloud platform before beginning the cloud operations.

How to successfully implement and adopt cloud computing?

Successful implementation and adoption take time, effort, and energy. The performance of cloud computing services includes some essential steps.

These steps include:

1. Define your entire project – Some applications and web infrastructures should never be put on a cloud system. So first decide what you want to move to the cloud and whether or not its migration is feasible for the company.

2.Select a cloud platform – Choose a relevant cloud platform that is easy, fast, and safe to deploy. Also, ensure you have a flexible cloud platform that scales up to support your evolving business and future growth.

3.Understand the security policies – Many cloud computing service providers believe that data security is your responsibility, and not theirs. So, at the beginning itself, be aware of all the terms and conditions and make sure that you have clarity about who is responsible for data security. Also, ensure that the right resources are in place.

4.Select your cloud computing service provider – Always select a service provider that has similar experience and success.

5. Determine and understand service level agreements – Be very clear with your service provider when it comes to SLAs. And check what they do a cover and do not cover, such as data protection or data availability.

6. Determine who owns recovery – Certain issues might arise, so know in advance if you or your service provider is responsible for recovery services.

7. Always Migrate in phases – Consider a phased migration that allows you to increase the load gradually. It also gives you time to fine-tune and minimize risks while maintaining your business continuity.

8.Think ahead – The requirements of your business are ever-changing, so choose a flexible cloud computing solution that allows you to move between cloud and on-premise as needed, and also one that will enable you to switch to a different cloud service providers easily if necessary.

We, at NDZ , are here to help you effortlessly transition to a digital enterprise. Contact us now and let us discuss how we can help you.