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As we have already discussed about different types of software testing, below is further more explanation about the same. If you haven’t checked the previous section yet, you should follow this link.


More on types of software testing

Performance Testing

Performance Testing is a kind of software testing and part of performance engineering that is conducted to examine some of the quality characteristics of software like availability, stability and reliability. Performance testing is executed by the performance engineering team. Unlike Functional testing, Performance testing is accomplished to check non-functional conditions. Performance testing examines how well the software runs in expected and peak workloads. There are many varieties or categories of performance like volume testing, load testing, configuration testing, stress testing and soak testing.

Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing is a kind of security testing. Penetration testing is performed to test how safe software and its environments are when directed to attack by an external or internal invader. An invader can be a human/hacker or spiteful programs. Penetration test employs techniques to compulsorily impose or by utilising a vulnerability to obtain access to a software or data or hardware with an intention to expose ways to cheat, manipulate or corrupt data, software files or configuration.

Penetration Testing is a kind of ethical hacking. An expert Penetration tester will use the equivalent methods and tools that a hacker would apply but the purpose of a Penetration tester is to recognise the vulnerability and get them corrected before a breach.

Internationalization Testing

Internationalization testing is a kind of testing that is conducted by software testers to investigate the extent to which software can support Internationalization, for example, the practice of different languages, many character sets, double-byte characters and more.

Keyword-driven Testing

Keyword driven testing is an automated software testing procedure rather than just a type of testing itself. It is recognised as an action-driven testing or table-driven testing.

Load Testing

Load testing is a kind of non-functional testing; it is performed to monitor the behaviour of the software under normal and high load conditions. Load testing is normally performed using automated testing tools. Load testing aims to discover bottlenecks or problems that prevent software from functioning as expected at its top workloads.

Localization Testing

Localization testing is a type of software testing conducted by software testers. In this type of testing, the software is supposed to adjust to a special locale, it should help a particular locale/language in terms of appearance, receiving input in that particular locale, date time, font, currency, and more that is related to the particular locale.

For example, many web applications provide a variety of locales like English, French, German or Japanese. So once locale is established in the configuration of software, the software is required to work as expected with a set language/locale.

Regression Testing

Regression Testing is a kind of software testing that is conducted by software testers as functional regression tests and developers as Unit regression tests. The purpose of regression tests is to discover defects that got begun to defect fixes or the introduction of the new features. Regression tests are excellent for automation.


Retesting is a type of repeated testing that is carried out by software testers as part of bug fix verifying. For instance, assume that a tester is verifying a defect fix and let us say that there are 3 test cases failed due to this defect. Once a tester verifies the defect fix as resolved, the tester will then retest or test the same functionality again by executing the test cases that were failed before.

Negative Testing

This kind of software testing method which explains the points to break, these are functional and non-functional tests that are meant to break the software by inserting incorrect data like incorrect time, date or string or upload binary file when text files assumed to be uploaded or enter huge text string for input fields etc. It is also a positive test for the wrong situation.

Non-functional testing

Most software are created to meet functional and non-functional specifications, non-functional requirements like execution, usability, localization and more. There are a lot of testing types that are carried out for checking non-functional requirements like usability testing, compatibility testing, localization testing, volume testing, compliance testing, etc.

Pair Testing

Pair testing is a software testing technique that can be executed by software testers, Business Analysts or developers. As the name implies, two people are paired commonly, one to test and the other person to watch and record test results. Pair testing can also be done in a combination of tester-developer, tester-business analyst or developer-business analyst union. Connecting testers and developers in pair testing aid to discover errors faster, recognise the root cause, fix it and test the fix.

Risk-based Testing

Risk-based Testing is a variety of software testing with a different approach to testing. In Risk-based testing, requirements and functionality of software to be tested are ordered as Critical, High, Medium and Low. In this method, all Critical and High priority tests are examined and then succeeded by Medium, Low preference, or Low-risk functionality are examined at the end, OR may not be tested at all, depending on the timescales.

Smoke testing

Smoke testing is a type of testing that is managed by software testers to check if the new build rendered by the development team is solid enough which means major functionality is operating as anticipated in order to carry out further or complete testing. Smoke testing is meant to find an obstacle bug that can block testers from testing the application in detail. Smoke testing conducted for a build is also recognised as a build verification test.

Security Testing

Security Testing is a type of software testing done by a specific team of software testers. The objective of security testing is to ensure that the software is secure to face external or internal threats from humans and malicious programs. Security testing primarily checks – how safe is the software’s authorization mechanism, how potent is authentication, how software keeps confidentiality of the data, how does the software preserve the honour of the data, technology, networking, and safety testing tools. With an extended number of web applications, security testing has become more significant than ever.

Static Testing

Static Testing is a mode of testing done wherein reviews and rehearsals are applied to assess the accuracy of the deliverable. In static testing software code is not produced instead it is reviewed for syntax, commenting, naming convention, size of the functions or methods, and more like that. Static testing normally has checklists upon which deliverables are assessed. Static testing can be implemented for necessities, designs, test cases by using methods like reviews or walkthroughs.

Stress Testing

Stress Testing is a kind of performance testing in which software is subjected to higher loads and even to a breakpoint to examine how the software would function at the breakpoint. Stress testing also examines the behaviour of the software with inadequate supplies like Network bandwidth, CPU, Memory, Disk Space etc. Stress testing allows reviewing some of the quality attributes like robustness and authenticity.

System Testing

System Testing accompanies various software testing types that will permit to verify the software as a whole which means software, hardware, and network – against the specifications for which it was created. Many types of tests are conducted to achieve system testing.

Sanity Testing

Sanity Testing is a type of testing that is achieved principally by testers and sometimes by developers also. Sanity testing is a fast evaluation of the software, environment, network, external systems are up & running, software environment as a whole is stable enough to continue with comprehensive testing. Sanity tests are short and mostly these tests are not documented.

Scalability Testing

Scalability Testing is a non-functional test meant mainly to test one of the software quality characteristics like scalability. Scalability also checks a few functionalities of the software along with the performance of software as a whole. Scalability testing is normally performed by the performance engineering team.

The purpose of scalability testing is to examine the efficacy of the software to scale up with improved users, enhanced transactions, boost in database size etc. It is not essential that software’s performance increases with increase in hardware configuration, scalability tests help to discover how much more workload the software can carry with a growing user base, data storage, transactions, etc.

Stability Testing

Stability Testing is a non-functional test assigned to test one of the software quality characteristics, Stability. Stability testing concentrates on testing how steady software is when it is subjected to loads at tolerable levels, peak loads, loads generated in spikes, with more volumes of data to be treated. Scalability testing will include performing various types of performance tests like load testing, spike testing, stress testing, soak testing, etc.

Soak Testing

Soak Testing is a kind of performance testing, where the software is constrained to load over a notable duration of time, soak testing may extend to days or weeks. Soak testing is a type of testing that is conducted to find flaws that appear in degeneration of software performance with continued practice. Soak testing is largely arranged for electronic devices, which are presumed to operate continuously for days or months or years without any kind of restart or stop. With increasing web applications, soak testing has attained importance as web application availability is crucial for maintaining and completion of business.

System Integration Testing

System Integration Testing, also known as SIT, is a type of testing carried out by the software testers. In this testing method, the focus is to test for errors linked to the blending between different applications, services, etc. As part of this testing, end-to-end scenarios are examined that would need software to communicate (send or receive data) with other upstream or downstream applications, services, third-party application calls etc.

Unit testing

Unit testing is a type of testing that is conducted by software developers. Unit testing is followed by the white box testing method where a developer tests units of source code like interface in Object Oriented Programming (OOP), statements, functions, branches, methods. Unit testing normally includes developing codes and programs. Unit tests are excellent for automation. Automated tests can operate as Unit regression tests on new builds or new versions of the software. There are many valuable unit testing frameworks, for instance, Junit, Nunit etc., available that can secure unit testing more effective.

Volume testing

Volume testing is a non-functional kind of testing carried out by the performance engineering team. It is a type of performance testing. Volume testing is carried out to detect the response of the software with different sizes of the data being obtained or to be processed by the software.

Vulnerability Testing

Vulnerability Testing comprises distinguishing, revealing the software, hardware or network vulnerabilities that can be misused by hackers and other malicious programs like viruses. Vulnerability Testing is the key to software protection and availability. With the rise of hackers and malicious programs, Vulnerability Testing is important for business achievement.

White box Testing

White box testing is also called as clear transparent box testing, box testing, and glass box testing. White box testing is a software testing method, which aims to test software with an understanding of the internal working of the software. White box testing approach is practised in Unit testing which is normally operated by software developers. White box testing expects to execute code and test statements, data flow, branches, decisions and path within the program being tested. White box testing and Black box testing complement each other as each of the testing methods have the possibility to open a particular section of mistakes.

Usability testing

Usability testing is a type of software testing that is done to learn how user-friendly the software is. Purpose of usability testing is to enable end users to use the software, watch their behaviour, their spontaneous response and get their feedback on how the software can be delivered more useable or user-friendly and include the variations that make the software effortless to use.

User Acceptance testing (UAT)

User Acceptance testing is a necessity for all projects. It is implemented by clients/end users of the software. User Acceptance testing enables SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) from customer to test the software with their real-world situations and to verify if the software meets their enterprise specifications.

Obstacles with the software are a common phenomenon, but only a few people address them in their product. By recognising the significance and benefits of software testing and executing it as one of the early steps in the implementation process, the software will be effective and error-free.

NDZ is one of the leading Website Development company in Cochin, India, that also provides many other solutions. For instance, SEO, Big Data analytics, ISO Consultancy, and so on. We provide effortless services to the client as per their requirements. Starting from the research through designing and development to the testing of the software and a continued maintenance is provided under one roof!