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Usage of mobile devices is on an all-time high now. People have already abandoned desktops from their casual works. Mobile phones are an addiction to this generation now. A minute is difficult to move if one cannot scroll through their favourite mobile apps. So, for the businesses around the world it’s important to consider mobile devices and also its security issues.

Banking institutions seeking to remain competitive and keep customer satisfaction high are offering mobile access through apps to their customers. Most banks these days recognize the value of mobile banking, it provides them with opportunities to reach remote or rural places to grow their market and innovation. But again, mobile banking app security issues are threatening the financial industry.

Mobile App Security Threats

Let us list and describe some of the major mobile application security threats that are seen generally.

1. Vulnerable Server Side Controls: Any communication that passes between an app and the user outside the mobile phones goes through a server. Thus, this becomes a prime target that gets utilised by hackers. The measures you can take in this regard to ensure server-side security may vary from hiring an in-house security expert solely to manage a testing tool and taking general precautions.

The main problem occurs when developers do not undertake traditional server-side security problems under account. This happens due to poor security budgets, lack of security information in a new language, trusting on the mobile Operating System for security updates.

Vulnerabilities may be caused due to cross-platform development and compilation also. The most apparent and essential step to ensure your mobile apps from server-side vulnerabilities is to scan them regularly. It is better to use an automated scanner. An automated scanner produces common issues that can be resolved with little stress. It is necessary to cross-check these scanners also before starting to employ.

2. Weak Data Storage: Another common mobile apps security issue is the lack of reliable data storage. A common practice amongst the developers is to depend on the client storage for the data. But client storage is not a sandbox environment where safety breaches are not likely. In the event of an acquisition of the mobile by an opponent, this data can be easily obtained, reshaped and handled. This can result in individuality theft, fame damage and obvious policy violation.

The best way to ensure your data storage over platforms is to create an extra layer of encryption over the base level encryption implemented by the OS. This gives a huge help to mobile apps security and decreases your dependence on the default encryption.

3. Absence of Binary Protections: In the absence of binary protection, an opponent can turn the code of the app to insert malware or redistribute the pirated application perhaps with a threat. It is a severe concern in mobile apps security as it can produce confidential data fraud, brand and trust loss, scams, income losses, and so on.

To avoid this, it necessary to practice binary hardening techniques. Under binary hardening, the binary files are examined and qualified to protect against prevalent exploits. This provides for the fixing of vulnerabilities in the legacy code itself without the requirement for source code.

4. Unintended Data Leakage (Side Channel Data Leakage): Unintended data leakage transfers to the storage of critical app data on vulnerable locations on the mobile. The data is collected in a location on the device that is readily obtainable by other apps or the users. This ends in the breach of user privacy heading to the unlawful use of data. People often get mixed between unintended data leakage and insecure data storage. Unauthorized data leakage is originated due to problems like OS bugs and carelessness of security in the framework itself which are not in control of the developer. In a different angle, insecure data storage is caused by reasons which are in very much in knowledge and control of the developer.

You can control unintended data leakages by observing common leakage points for instance logging, caching, application backgrounding, HTML5 data storage and browser cookie objects.


5. Inadequate Transport Layer Protection: Transport layer transfers to the route through which the data is transferred from the client to the server and conversely. In the case of an inadequate transport layer, a hacker can obtain access to the data and change or remove it on his will. This results in scams, integrity warnings etc. A common system is to employ SSL and TLS to encrypt communication. The difficulty is that not all SSL is equal. Many of these are dispensed by third-party analytics companies or are self-approved.

Some of the ways to ensure mobile apps security is by establishing a transport layer. For that use industry-standard cypher suites with proper key lengths as they are relatively more robust. Also, consider securing SSL chain verification mandatory. Moreover, warn the users in case the mobile app identifies an invalid license. And always be cautious not to send sensitive data like passwords over alternate messaging channels.

6. Broken Cryptography: Broken cryptography is a common mobile apps security problem that occurs due to bad encryption or inaccurate implementation. By utilising the vulnerabilities an opponent can decrypt the sensitive data to its initial form and mould or steal it as per his/her advantage.

Broken cryptography can occur due to total dependence on built-in encryption process, application of custom encryption protocols, utilisation of unstable algorithms, etc. Hackers can also be availed from poor key management like storage of keys in quickly accessible locations or avoiding hard coding of keys within the binary. The best practice is to use superior encryption protocols and precise implementation process to avoid any errors and implement encryption properly.

7. Inadequate Authorization and Authentication: Defective or lacking authentication enables an opponent to anonymously contact the mobile app or its backend server. This is somewhat prevalent due to a mobile device’s input form factor. The form factor supports short passwords that are normally based on four-digit PIN.

Unlike in the case of conventional web apps, mobile app users may not be online throughout their sessions. Mobile internet connections are not as strong as traditional web connections. Therefore, mobile apps may need offline authentication to support uptime. This offline requirement can build security vulnerabilities that developers must recognise while executing mobile authentication.

An opponent can force through the security logins in the offline mode and take actions on the app. In the offline mode, apps are normally incapable to identify between users and allow users with low support to perform actions that are only permitted to admins.

In order to limit operation on sensitive information, it is best to restrain login only in the online mode. If there is a particular business demand to allow offline authentication then you can encrypt the app data that can be opened only with particular operations.

8. Security Resolutions via Untrusted Information: Developers usually use protected fields, values or functionality to differentiate within higher and lower level users. An attacker might stop the calls and mess with such delicate parameters. Inadequate implementation of such hidden functionalities directs to incorrect app behaviour ending in higher-level approvals being given to an attacker. The method used to utilise these vulnerabilities is designated as hooking.

A mobile application controls communication between clients and servers using an Inter-Process Communication mechanism. IPC is also handled to set communication between different apps and receiving data from multiple sources. An adversary can prevent this communication and hinder with it to steal data or inject malware.

Some measures can be taken to improve the security of your mobile app from threats related to Inter-Process Communication mechanisms. For instance, the mobile application should limit access to only whitelisted applications, User intercommunication should be required before making any sensitive action through the IPC entry points, Stern input validation is required to stop input-driven attacks, etc.

9. Client-Side Injection: Client-side injection points to the execution of spiteful code on the client-side on the mobile device, via the mobile app. Usually, a threat agent inputs the malicious code into the mobile app through a number of different means. The basic frameworks supporting the mobile app operate this code like all other data on the device.

During processing, this code demands a context switch and the framework reinterprets the data as executable code. The code may both run within the scope and access agreements of the user or it can also accomplish with free permissions heading to much greater possible destruction. Another form of a client-side injection comprises direct injection via binary attacks. This brute-force method has a higher potential for harm than data injections.

The best way to counter application vulnerabilities to injection is to recognise the sources of input and make sure that user/application-supplied data is being subject to input validation thus, rejecting code injection. Checking the code to verify whether the application is managing data correctly is the best way to guarantee the security of your mobile app. Code analysis tools can support a security analyst to find the use of interpreters and track the flow of data through the application. Once a loophole is speculated it can be verified by manual penetration testers who can craft exploits that prove the vulnerability.

10. Improper Session Handling: Improper session handling suggests the continuation of the earlier session for a long period even when the user has turned from the application. Many e-commerce businesses tend to allow longer sessions to speed up the purchasing process and business. They follow this to provide better user experience by optimizing the speed. But this application can be critical especially if the phone is lost or looted. Any person who obtains access to the device can initiate control over the application and steal or handle important data.

The best way to find a negotiation between speed and privacy protection is to use re-authentication for important actions like shopping or access to confidential documents. This way you will let users have the necessary access without settling on the mobile app security.

Mobile App Security Testing

It is important to achieve highest-standard testing techniques throughout the development process. Although, it is often hurried due to the market requirements for fast app release. Testing enables to detect and conquer vulnerabilities before they create problems. some useful testing tips for mobile app security are specified below:

  • Perform penetration testing for dynamic analysis,

  • Use static analysis – it shows out code vulnerabilities for most programming languages,

  • Execute automated testing, as it improves security,

  • Analyse software composition for defects in open source components.

Thus, your risk assessment for the mobile application can be done successfully. Some of the Key Mobile App Security Standards to keep are OWASP, CVSS, CWE, NIAP, etc.

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