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Getting Started with DevOps

If you heard about DevOps, there would be much information online and different websites that have made it complicated. But through this article, we will tell you what DevOps is. DevOps is made up of two words Development and Operation. Whenever development is done in any IT firm or any project is formed, it is divided into two parts development and operation.

Development refers to people who understand or build this project and then test it. And second, operation means when it is developed and goes through the production, the process includes those people who make the surveillance on the project and live public views, or we can say that they did the maintenance of the project.DevOps is required when a small application is created, but when a big application is created, DevOps is more prevalent. Whenever a project is formed, then these two teams work together separately.

The work of both the teams is completely different, the work of the development team is done once or twice a month, and the operations team’s work is done every day. So, DevOps has tried to reduce the work of these two teams.

How DevOps solved their problem?

Before that, let us tell you that DevOps is neither a tool nor a technology. Also, it cannot be referred to as any programming language. DevOps managers are those who have a keen understanding of the end-to-end life cycle. Only the DevOps logo shows the complete work; if you understand the logo of the DevOps, you will understand the work of DevOps itself.  

Actually, on top of any project, you first get feedback, then planning is done, and after that, it is developed back again based on feedback. The next step includes continuous integration of the development. After that, the code will become deployed, and then people will start working on it again. And once the project gets fixed, it starts getting feedback also. This process goes on like an infinite sign. Just as our life cycle goes on, the DevOps life cycle continues to run in the same way. This life cycle breaks when you do not have DevOps. Because there is some difference between the development from the operation and the development from the project. So, DevOps fills or completes this gap. It is not technology nor software. It is just a way of working.

Types of DevOps tools

Azure DevOps: A microsoft product that involves the entire lifecycle of the application.

AWS DevOps: It is a cloud-based platform and enables continuous integration and delivery.

Salesforce DevOps: It enables seamless coordinates with the development and operation teams.

The Do’s and Don’ts of DevOps Adoption

There are many factors to keep in mind while using DevOps. It would help if you focused on certain Dos while using DevOps.

 These Do’s include:

  1. Set up direct communication between all the stakeholders – 

           It’s the best way of working. Not only the DevOps team but all  the team members of the company can effectively communicate with each other. And    

           along with it, the stakeholders also.They can effectively  communicate new ideas, implementing changes, etc. 

  1. Prioritize Culture, Not ToolsBy adopting DevOps, you have to change your work and not your culture. This change is a significant change for you and your firm, but it is essential to do it. When you adopt this DevOps, many employees will refuse to work on it, but you explain how DevOps work. When employees see the working DevOps, then they will automatically adopt it.
  2. Simplify Processes Before Automating Them All IT companies are falling due to lack of discussion; all these things used to happen before adopting DevOps.These are the changes you should make in your company before adopting DevOps:
    • Make a list of all the work done in your organization.
    • Separate the easy, challenging, and complicated tasks.
    • Eliminate those people who are working in an unethical way.

          All you have to do is change and modify new projects without those projects that demand high maintenance.

  1. Incorporate automated testing– In this testing, you need to add a continuous integration (CI/CD) to your organization. It offers highly effective solutions which can assist in solving complicated problems. You can also use several automation tools like Testsigma, Worksoft, TestProject and other automation tools to get the best results from your project. Moreover, if you wish to improve your projects and applications, then, you should adopt DevOps and get the best results as per your goal from the project.
  2. Build a governance infrastructure – The most important do’s is governance infrastructure because people often forget to do this, and when it gets out of hand, they have to pay it big.  

           You should use all the tools, services, and resources with the adoption of DevOps. All stakeholders manage their work efficiently if required.  

Few important Don’ts to take care of while using DevOps

  1. Avoid creating a specialized DevOps Team – Creating a DevOps team in which masters in one aspect of the enterprise will first appear great. Later on, the decision will show its negative impacts, and no improvement will be shown in an overall flow.Creating a specialized DevOps team will mainly focus on local optimization than overall system flow optimization.
  1. Don’t Trust on Outsourcing  – ‘The Current State of DevOps’ report by puppet states that: “Outsourcing, by function, is rarely done by good performers and hurts performance. But Outsourcing can save money and provide a flexible labour pool, low-performing teams are almost four times as likely to outsource whole functions like testing or operations than their highest-performing counterparts.”
  2. Don’t underestimate security – Information security should be the main aim for DevOps as it focuses on the end-to-end lifecycle. Security must be the centre of attraction at the time of test-driven and automated testing practices.All of that brings us to DevSecOps; which assists in making everyone accountable for security with the focus on implementing security decisions. DevOps and DevSecOps both break the project into segments for better working. However, DevSecOps processes every step of development with full securities. 
  1. Don’t possess much Automation – Automation is essential for speed, accuracy, consistency, and to increase the number of deliveries as well. But on the other hand, don’t over automate. First, try to understand the basic requirements and needs for development, testing, deployment, and tools.
  2. Don’t demand immediate results – DevOps includes a lengthy process of employee training, practices, processes, tools, and infrastructure. Therefore, expecting immediate results is quite stupid. Give people time to adjust and learn. 


DevOps helps in fast issue resolution and immediate delivery of new projects. It assists in to increase in profit and enhances the coordination between the employees and stakeholders. It also creates a customer-friendly environment and includes a continuous testing process. While using DevOps, companies should take care of a few dos and don’ts to generate more output from it and generate more revenue and enhance their productivity. Reach out to us at sales@ndz.co to further resolve any queries you may have!