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+When everything around is changing and evolving for the better, healthcare took a giant leap changing the lives on the face of the earth. From the traditional healthcare routine to e-healthcare, it was one big snap. Just like the innovations in information technology have made the impossible possible throughout the years, the medical sector has seen a drive from conventional to modern techniques.

Blessed with Big data analytics, AI, robotics, and even smartphones, innovations in medical science have accelerated significantly. The digital platforms connect doctors from the nook and corners of the world and with the advanced technology, the scope gets bigger and bigger.

What is E-healthcare?

The exchange of healthcare data across organizations and institutions through the electronic medium for serving the purposes of well-being is E-healthcare.  E-healthcare facilitates seamless data integration and serves both the doctors and patients effectively and efficiently. From the ground up to patient data, hospital records, consultation services, e-healthcare covers it all. With E-healthcare, patients all over the world are connected to their health and doctors, 24X7.

From Healthcare to E-Healthcare

Just like everything else around, healthcare also went from offline to online. From the physical space to an online platform, the medical industry has witnessed a steady innovation. The traditional doctor-patient meetings and long hours of conversations and time-consuming remedies took almost half of people’s lifespan.

People spend days and years walking in and out of hospitals, struggling to catch up, but long gone are those days. E-Healthcare improvised the doctor-patient relationship, bettered the working conditions of pharmacists, healthcare workers, and medical representatives. The Midas touch of the Internet glorified the medical and pharmaceutical industry to extend helping hands to the nook and corners of the world, giving people access to world-class health care on the tip of their fingers.

E-Healthcare: An Insight 

The drastic changes in the functioning of the medical industry are out in the light and there are things that you need to know about the same.

  • What is Telemedicine?

Telemedicine, or the transfer of medical information through electronic communication for an improved patient condition, is changing lives. Cut the chase and you have it all in a click. The flexibility it offers for patients, as well as doctors, is more than what we could ask for. Be it any time, anywhere, you have access to your doctor and they can help you regardless of your physical constraints.

  • Healthcare Apps are the New Normal

The rise in the usage of healthcare apps has been steady. It has revolutionized the medical sector by opening up a whole new platform of convenience and quality. With effective communication and efficient medical services, healthcare apps have become a fundamental element in day to day lives.

Patients are open to smart decisions and the latest technologies. The fact that e-healthcare saves time, energy, and money is the main factor for the tremendous hike in E-healthcare. More than 318,000 healthcare apps are available in app stores, with 200 new apps being added every day.

Healthcare apps facilitate immediate access for appointments and offer effective coordination. With health wearables being the most used accessories these days, data can be collected by integrating them with mobile apps. Emergencies can also be dealt with ease by doctors as they receive first-hand information from the patients and hassle-free steps can be taken.

  • Safe and secure

E-healthcare apps are bound with essential and amazing features to ease the functioning of the doctors and the accessibility of patients. The primary feature of healthcare apps is reliability. Patients do not need to fear walking into fraud or sham; they can confidently reach out to the doctors, healthcare specialists, or pharmacists with ease and confidence.

Patient confidentiality and security are assured with e-healthcare apps and no patient is in the position of a compromise or jeopardy. Details of the patients reach the hands of their corresponding doctors and the confidentiality of every patient is maintained.

No ethics are violated even in the digital medium. HIPAA and DISHA are some of the core measures taken to uphold patient privacy. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations bind the confidentiality of the patients.

The HIPAA Privacy rule ensures national standards for the protection of medical records and every other health plan and transaction. DISHA ( The Digital Information Security in Healthcare Act), initiated by the Government of India is strongly bound to secure the patient data and regulate the exchange of electronic healthcare data. In a country of more than a billion, efficient healthcare must be delivered with no excuses, and DISHA and HIPAA are the first steps toward the goal of a healthy nation.

  • Growth of the Pharmaceutical Industry through online portals

Apart from the healthcare apps, the pharmaceutical industry reaps benefits from ehealthcare and its education. In this digital age, online learning portals are taking up a major space in the lives of users and it is not just confined to students or associates.

The fact that the pharmaceuticals have a greater opportunity to replace their conventional medical representatives through the digital medium is a catch. One platform and they can have the whole world on their screens.

As well as for doctors and medical students, this is a golden opportunity to sit back right where they are, avoid fewer physical meetups and know everything they want in a click. Experts and specialists from all over the world can come together and the pharmaceutical companies can introduce each product and boost up their reach.

  • The easier, the better

Convenience is key and e-healthcare offers it. Medical care and attention are every man’s right and today’s world guarantee it. Be it a disease or condition, a pandemic, or an even bigger crisis, e-healthcare always offers a way out. The world has become a global village and so has every industry. You have your health, covered. With the medical sector taking the big leap, the world is all well and at ease.

Having access to world-class healthcare and assistance is important and NDimensionZ stands by the same. NdimensionZ provides technical support, internal IT, and infrastructure along with security assessments and iso consultation for a leading E-pharmaceutical company in India.

NDimensionZ assisted the company in setting up its engineering team from scratch and  provided efficient resources to the E-pharmaceutical’s engineering team, helping them to scale up and down, depending on their technological skills. It offers genuine pharmacy products under a doctor’s prescription at affordable prices, for a healthier and brighter future.