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What is GDPR?

The term GDPR has been buzzing more in our ears past few months. What is it? Few of you might have a question if it has any connection with the ‘Brexit’. Let’s see.

GDPR is an abbreviated form of General Data Protection Regulation. GDPR is a legal framework that establishes guidelines for gathering and processing of personal information of people in the European Union. The GDPR places the policies for data management and the claims of the individual, while also requiring penalties that are based on revenues. GDPR is applicable to all companies that administer with data of European Union (EU) nationals. Therefore, it is an outstanding ordinance for corporates such as insurers, banks, and other business companies.

In January 2012, the European Commission set out plans for data security improvement across the European Union to make Europe ‘safe for the digital era’. About four years later, an agreement was given on what that was required and how it will be implemented.

In addition to the information of collection and legal implications for misuse, there is also a demand to get clear approval, reporting in case of hack or breach, designate dedicated data protection administrators, etc. For financial organizations, the new rule will ask vital expenditures in agreement to secure lasting access to the EU market. The brand-new rules are also stirring firms to cover up personally identifiable information (PII) before processing it, which means the data can’t be connected back to a particular individual. The pseudonymization of data enables organisations to do some extensive data review such as estimating average debt ratios of its consumers in a particular region, that would contrarily be ahead of the original goals of data collected for assessing creditworthiness for a loan.

Basically, the most features of our livelihood orbits around data. Social media companies, banks, retailers, governments and everything. Every service we use requires the collection and analysis of our personal data. Name, address, Credit card number, etc. are gathered, examined, and saved by different organisations.

The GDPR is expected to have results further on lending, insurance and more where delicate personal data is collected and processed. The rules implement to the human resources record of employees and even the IP Identity of individuals using online services. The GDPR grows upon data rights that the European Union has been forcing for, such as the right of a person to be forgotten and the right to data portability.


How does it affect the Bid Data trend?

As such, it is assumed that the General Data Protection Regulation will begin to data disparagement where organizations readily cut down the volume of information they handle to the smooth functioning to perform a transaction. This could be a withdrawal of one of the big data trends where companies try to collect and examine as much data on their clients as likely in order to obtain new insights. This report can still take place after proper pseudonymization, but other data rights hold those insights from being used to profile customers in a way that could be unfair or put them at a financial loss. As the GDPR is a new regulation, it will take some time to adjust for organisations as well as individuals.

What is the relation between GDPR and Brexit?

The Brexit is about to happen. The UK is set to leave the Europian Union on 29 March 2019, a little overhead of GDPR implementation. The UK administration has announced this won’t affect on GDPR being executed in the country, and that GDPR will run for the advantage of the UK notwithstanding the country terminating to be a European Union member. Hence Brexit won’t affect GDPR or vice-versa.

Disturbing Emails and scams

People are annoyed by unwanted emails. Corporations and business organisations in all areas are sending customers emails and asks to opt-in/opt-out to receive or stop getting messages and other marketing matters. To the minimum, if a customer wants to be on the list, they demand to click the part of the email that tells the company they wish to continue in touch.

But what is happening is surprising. With so many organisations sending out emails on GDPR, criminals and scammers have taken it up as a prime opportunity to send out emails in order to make people blind. Researchers revealed these kinds of activities mark criminals pretending as big brands or companies and claiming that the user won’t be able to take new bookings or send messages to proposed guests, until a new privacy policy is affirmed.

The hands behind these criminal schemes are very much gripping on the background of GDPR in order to obtain information, because the real brands and companies don’t ask for any information including account credentials and payment card information.

What are the GDPR fines and penalties for non-compliance?

If the GDPR is not followed as per directed, penalties ranging from 10 million euros to four per cent of the company’s annual global turnover may be charged. The penalty charge will be decided according to the crime department and on whether the group is considered to have taken agreement and guidance about security in a serious way.

The maximum fine of 20 million euros or four per cent of worldwide turnover can be charged for violations of the rights of the data subjects, illegal global transfer of personal data, and losing to put schemes in place or disregarding subject access applications for their data.

A minimum of 10 million euros or two per cent of global turnover will be used for organizations which harm data in other ways. They include, failure to report a data breach, failure to build in privacy by design and ensure data protection is implemented in the first stage of a project and be obedient by appointing a data protection officer.

Hurdles of GDPR

The declaration to execute the General Data Protection Regulation has begun with objections. Many accused that this is going to be a burden for all EU member countries, but personally many individuals support GDPR strongly. The guidelines were set to incorporate social networks and cloud providers, but did not acknowledge how to dispense with employee data. In extension, data cannot be carried to another country outside the EU, except it proves the same kind of security.

Organizations that didn’t have this kind of privacy safeguard may be ordered to change their business methods. The costs correlated with the intended regulation may also rise due to the demand for more investment and comprehensive training in data protection may also be wanted. Data security agencies across the EU will want to conform to a conventional level of protection which also may be another barrier.