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Climate change is happening. We all are observing the climate changes around the globe in past few decades. Once in a while, one among us might have related the weather in our childhood with that in these days which is so unpredictable. Renewable energy is one practical tool we have in the action into climate change. It is sure to have results in global warming and climate change. Renewable energy is defined as energy produced from natural methods that are constantly renewed. This comprises sunlight, geothermal heat, wind, tides, water, and various forms of biomass. This energy will not be depleted. There are number of advantages and few disadvantages to the renewable energy utilization.

There are no places without the sources of renewable energy. It exists in every geographical area in distinction to rest of the most used sources of energy which are concentrated in a limited number of countries. Fast usage of this renewable energy is emerging in vital energy preservation, climate change reduction, and industrial advantages.

Renewable energy-related technologies can save customers money as they uproot emissions from fossil fuels. Wind and solar energy are highly exceptional in growth and huge cost trends are depleting down positively to an affordable range. As Prices are settling, renewable energy is becoming more competitive with fossil fuels all around the world. In few countries, new renewable energy is already cheaper than conventional and polluting fossil fuel-fired or nuclear power plants.

The main renewable energy sources are solar, wind, hydropower, biomass, geothermal and biofuels. All these provide an alternative to our conventional energy sources. Solar energy is most popularly used for residential purposes. Wind power is also another great source of renewable energy. Most of these renewable sources depends one or in another way on the sun. While analysing in detail, advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy obviously arise, but the advantages of using renewable forms of energy far excel the disadvantages ensuring a future.

What is renewable energy?

Advantages of Renewable Energy

  • Renewable energy is eco-friendly: It is a clear source of energy, which means, it has little or no emissions. Fossil fuel emissions like carbon dioxide are highly harmful to our environment as well as to human beings, which are greatly accountable for global warming, climate change, and disgrace of air quality. Fossil fuels also add to sulfur emission to the atmosphere driving to acid rains. The use of renewable energy subdues the dependence on fossil fuel as a source of energy, thus can purify our air.

  • The resource is inexhaustible: This indicates that they do not consume and finish over a lifetime and there is no chance that it runs out. Sources of energy such as fossil fuels are regarded as restricted resources and there is definite possibility that they will be used out in the future. Renewable energy can support emerging nations from depending on fossil fuels. Strong winds, heat from the earth, sunshine and running water can back a large and reserved energy supply to a nation for many years.

  • Renewable energy is a safe source of energy: Recently the over-liability on fossil fuels has led to a kind of security hazard. Fossil fuels are likely to have trade conflicts, political vulnerabilities, hike in energy prices and useless wars. All these stir a nation’s energy policies and can notably weaken a country’s economy.

    Another reason why fossil fuels are said to be unsafe is the ways they are extracted or removed from the earth. Drilling and digging for coal, natural gas, and oil all include disturbing the natural set-up of the earth. Drilling can disorder the water table and if spills or accidents occur, there will be incidents like the Deepwater Horizon Spill which may end up in a hazard that can exist forever.

    If we are taking nuclear power plants, for instance, there is also some problem that nuclear power plants could become a victim of an attack by damaging or ruining the nuclear facility, or even a minor accident could result to a dead location, causing the population to be exposed to radiation even in future. people exposed to nuclear reminiscence are most prone to cancers and newborns will be born with disabilities.

    Renewable energy sources provided with solid infrastructure are safe unquestionably. If renewable energy plants like solar or wind plants are scattered over a large geographic location, there can be the least electricity generation break because climate interruptions in one location cannot be the corresponding in other locations.

  • Low maintenance required: Once the preliminary infrastructure of the renewable resource is laid down, there is least preservation needed. This suggests that the proprietors of the means will collect big savings while producing cheap electricity.

  • Boosts public health: If we had more renewable energy amenities, the population would enjoy and experience its health benefits. Greenhouse, carbon and sulfur compounds emitted by fossils fuels are dangerous to our health if breathed over time. This is a strong reason just to acknowledge renewable energy as future. Indirectly the new industry leads to job creation, Renewable energy has maintained global energy prices, and most importantly empowering people in underdeveloped and developing countries.

Disadvantages of Renewable Energy

The renewable power generation potential is yet not large enough. Still, there are uncertainties about the large-scale power generation with renewable energy contrasted to traditional forms of energy. Fossil fuel continues to produce large volumes of fuel even today. This, basically, indicates that it can’t be completely relied upon to renewable power in a whole nation. Though recent phenomenon indicated that a balance of different energy sources have to be followed.

  • Low-efficiency levels: Renewable energy technologies are still unusual to the market, which means, they nevertheless lack the much-needed performance. This pretends prediction and investors may look down before spending their money for concern of not getting results rapidly.

  • Requires a huge foundation cost: Setting up renewable energy facilities needs a large monetary expenditure. Foundation expenses of wind turbines, solar panels, and hydroelectricity plants are comparatively very high. These plants demand expenses to build in advance and also have huge maintenance charges. It requires thoughtful outlining and implementation. Moreover, the electricity produced wants to be distributed to towns and cities, which is again an extra cost.

  • Renewable energy can be unstable: Renewable energy technologies totally depend on the weather (for e.g.: sun and wind) to provide any energy. In case atmospheric situations are not good enough, renewable energy technologies would need the strength to make any alternative electricity.

Eventually, the world will have to depend on the renewable resources only for all kinds of fuel and electricity. Look back to the past look forward to the future, the usage is tremendously increasing and all the conventional resources are waning.