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E-learning has registered considerable growth over the last decade.

With the internet becoming increasingly accessible, a lot of us are turning to platforms like  Coursera, Udemy and Skillshare to upgrade our skills or learn something entirely new right from the comfort of our home. However, it is said that it took us a pandemic to realise that remote working and education are not only possible but a better alternative to how we have been approaching it conventionally!

Since the coronavirus outbreak, the virtual world has become more centric in people’s lives.

And the education sector is no exception.

The pandemic has forced schools, universities, and companies to adapt to remote education, and we must say that we never knew this was possible at this scale.However, it won’t be right to say that e-learning has come to the forefront due to the pandemic only. Even before the CoViD-19 outbreak, studies indicated that the online education market would hit the $350 billion mark by 2025.

It’s just that the pandemic has accelerated the process further.

Why Online Learning?

Well, we are absolutely in the middle of a pandemic and it’s not safe to go out and enrol in the course of your dreams. However, it’s also true that regardless of the pandemic, e-learning has significant advantages that conventional classroom teaching just misses out on.

What are those advantages?

For starters, online learning resources are readily accessible – as and when you want. Are you a night person? No issues, you can access your lectures late at night.

Do you like studying early in the morning? Somebody’s got you covered!

Online learning offers a lot of flexibility and you are not bound to study at a particular time. You learn on-the-go, as and when you want. You can revise or replay your lessons as and when you want.  You have a flexible schedule, and you can learn whenever you feel the most productive and focused.

Data-driven Learning

Online learning is smart learning. It’s a lot more than someone explaining the concepts using a video. It is  intelligent, data-driven learning.

Online learning providers have access to a massive amount of user data which allows them to leverage technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence to enhance the learning patterns of students.These online learning platforms employ pattern recognition to customise and personalise the educational content for each individual.

For example, suppose you are continually struggling with specific lessons or concepts at the course: In that case, the platform can mould the content to provide more detailed information to help you grasp the concept better.

A lot of students feel shy to ask questions or are just unable to focus on a conventional classroom setup.  Online learning fixes this issue, as well. Such students can participate in class discussions in the form of online group chats more easily as compared to the traditional face-to-face class sessions.

An Affordable Option

A conventional MBA from a top B school in India can cost you anything between Rs 15.0 Lakhs to Rs 23.0 Lakhs.

However, if you choose to pursue say, MBA from an online course provider, you have to pay Rs 4 Lakhs or Rs 5 Lakhs to get your certificate from the top B schools across the globe.

And this brings us to another reason why people are picking online education these days.

E-learning Courses are more cost-effective compared to conventional degree programs. Plus, there are no geographical boundaries.

Always wanted to study abroad but couldn’t afford it? You have the solution now!

The cost structure of online learning is one of the most important factors for the rapid growth of the online education market.

E-learning is a very affordable option compared to the traditional ones. Plus, you don’t have to incur any commuting costs, and most of the time, the course required materials, such as textbooks, are available online free.

How E-learning will transform Education

There is no denying the fact that online education is here to stay. Regardless of the pandemic, online education is increasingly becoming a popular choice, and people will continue choosing it.

It won’t be an exaggeration if we say that online learning is the future and can even totally replace land-based learning in the future. The internet is freely accessible these days and people value their time more than anything else. This on-the-go learning model helps save time, money and most importantly, energy.

You don’t need to live in any hostels or spend two years of your life just studying. If you have a full-day job, you can continue pursuing your educational interests on the side.

The industry is continuously evolving and we should be prepared to witness amazing trends in the coming times. For instance, we can expect more advanced machine learning algorithms to democratize learning more and help students get an entirely personalized experience. We can also expect to see more and more service providers using adaptive and social learning to help shape the personalities of students.

The fact that e-learning in education is a lot more than just a video recording can’t be stressed enough.

Can E-learning replace the traditional classroom?  It’s a whole new world behind that camera. It takes a lot of effort to create micro lessons out of huge, daunting concepts but then, this is the very essence of online learning. You learn, and you have fun. And yes, how can we forget that you don’t hate your teachers anymore?

Learning through Online apps have skyrocketed in the past few months and online learning apps that add value has great potential for growth in the education landscape.   Indeed, online learning is the future of education

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