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Storytelling has been in the history dated back around as far as 15000 B.C. The way we humans communicate did evolve in these many centuries. Starting from drawings to alphabets carved on stones, papers, etc. to the digital era where we can put fascinating videos, audios, graphics, photos as statuses on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and what not! In fact, the moment mankind discovered communicating verbally it passed down information through generations to keep it alive, and it didn’t matter whether it was a fact or a myth. So, this is quite clear that we really enjoy knowing about things. We all have been listening stories right from the childhood, initially by our own grandparents and later someone with whom we most interact(ed), such as classmates or colleagues. To this day and age, the interest has always been there if there is something so remarkably different to talk about. Clearly, our subconscious minds are conditioned in that way.

When it comes to business, storytelling has been the buzzword lately because of the positive impact it creates on it. Yes, it is crucial if someone is planning to put his/her products/services for sales. It is still so underrated and sounds unimportant to many, especially if they own startups. One would probably think that it plays a vital role only if someone is associated with, for instance, movie making. Why would he need it if he owns an IT firm or something similar that is considered as pure technical? To these kinds of individuals, it is probably like consuming money unnecessarily.

Research says that most successful businesses are in their position because these could connect well to their audience. This was obviously possible because of outstanding contents they could put during the whole marketing of their products and services. Since most people carry phones in their hands and browse through the social media, it is extremely vital to always upload the most appealing things.

Content development is equally important as is the product itself. Without creating appealing contents a person cannot know what the product is all about; and the term Content Development is not only just confined to writing blogs but also through graphical means such as videos or any other kind of presentations that is enough to present the key aim behind. The objective should be to make them relate to a particular problem so that they feel connected and resolve the same in order to create an impression that that product/service would be essential to buy. If it seems like the other party simply wants to sell its merchandise, nobody would take an interest, which is probably known by many (firm owners) if they have a significant years of experience.

Why is storytelling so important?

Benefits of Storytelling in Business

1. To help people know what it is all about: Most startup companies would most likely show some graphical representations or a survey focusing on the bullet points enclosing the features in brief and skip the storytelling part. The consumers may or may not understand the whole point and wouldn’t even remember what message was shared to them, and so, will probably not consider the website (or any other URL) to visit again. Telling them about the issues with which they could relate, ideas and motto behind in an intellectual way is surely beneficial in the business for longer. If their vision and purpose are captivating enough and clearly communicated, it requires just a blink of an eye to make a huge fan following and potential converts.

2. To emotionally connect people: Most audience would always want to know the purpose behind the making of a brand. The story behind how the idea struck the makers’ mind, the setbacks, initial struggles followed by (maintained) success is humanly and would create emotional impact on people’s mind; whether they have read it or saw some kind of graphical presentation, whichever the marketers choose. Once they are associated, they would trust the brand and probably would stick for longer.

Lots of other brands have now started developing stories about some causes. For instance, Vicks Ad presenting a transgender woman who has adopted a girl child to provide her a better future. Few other famous fashion brands have encouraged acid attack survivors to do the ramp walking wearing their designer clothes, thereby communicating the message that each person is beautiful. People perceive these kinds of messages as inspirational and hold a positive image of the brand.

3. Being competitive: There are infinite types of products and services circulating around the Internet. To choose the best ones is often too confusing. The best storyteller would always steal the show and be the first one to be recognized even though his/her products just mark the average line in terms of functionality. Later on, it depends on the brand owners whether or not they work on improvising it. Once noticed by the audience, they can then work on their key objectives and see whether (or not) the needs are met.

It is believed by most that “First impression is the last impression” and because of this nobody can risk their image go negative. If a firm gains a bad reputation it would take months or even years to reverse it. Storytelling, if presented in an illogical way, would mislead people. So, planning it in a careful manner is equally important as is its execution. Most experienced marketers are aware of possible setbacks and they eventually learn. Initially, one may not even know that it is a thing and even a BIG deal, but learns with time by looking around a few successful folks.